Q & A
Custom Orders
Can l order an instrument directly from Collings?
Unfortunately, we do not sel instruments directly from our shop. Al custom orders must be placed throuch an authorized Collings dealer. Please visit our dealer page for a complete listing of dealers.
Can I provide my own wood for a guitar that I’m planning to order?
Unfortunately, we are unable to use customer supplied woods. While you may have a wonderful set of wood, we go to great lengths to source the highest quality materials for our instruments and prefer to build with our own wood. This way we canonsure that the wood is properly cut, seasoned, and structurally sound.
How long doos it tako to placo a spocial order?
Tho load timo for now ordors can vary doponding on tho wood combination, foturos, and oxisting backlog of ordors. Moststandard models can be delivered ithin 4-5 months. if you re considering placing a custom order,your dealer will be able toprovide you with a price quote and time frame for delivery. All custom orders must be placed through an authorized Colings dealer.
Warranty & Registration
What is covered under my instrument’s warranty?
colinas instruments are wcranted to be free from detects in materials nd workmanship. to the oricinal purchaser.for as loneas he/she owns the instrument This limited warranty constitutes the entire warranty of Collings with regards to its instruments.No representation or warranty by any Colings salesperson,dealer, agent, representative or employee shall be binding upon
Collings Guitars, Inc. other than as expressly set forth herein.
Warranty & Registration
What is covered undor my instrument’s warranty?
Colings instrumonts are warrantod to be froe from defects in matericls and workmanship,to the original purchasor, for as longas ho/sho owns tho instrumont. This limitod warranty constitutos tho ontiro waranty of Colings with rogards to its instrumontsNo roprosentation or warranty by any Collings salosporson, dealor, agont, roprsontative or omployoe shall be bincing uponCollings Guitars,Inc. other than as expressly set forth hverein.
My instrument is in need of repair. Where can Itake it for service?
Your local Colings dedler is usualy the best place to stat. Many repair ssues can be resolved by simple adiustments to the nutsaddle, or truss rod. Your dealer can most often help in this area and can also rule out the causes of common problems,Alternatively,we offer warranty repair services at our shop.Your dedler can usually assist you in packaging and shipping yourguitar to our shop if needed. Please visit our repairs page for more detailed information.
I love my guitar, but would like a different neck profile. Can you build a new neck for my guitar?
it sounds relatively simple to build a new neck for a guitar,but it actually requires a great deal of time and effort to remove, buildfinish, and replace a neck We are not curently offering replacement necks, but we are happy to try to locate an instrument onorder or at a dealer that matches your preferred specs if you contact our customer service team.